Monday, February 6, 2012

Ah....manure....that sweeeet sweet smell. :)~

My grandmother always had the most beautiful roses and won many fair with them and her other flowers. Her 'secret' she said was the use of manure...(rotted & dried) each fall worked into the soils before she put them to rest for the winter with straw. She would save her coffee grinds, egg shells and potato peels, carrots, then put in old coffee cans, freeze or store out in barn up in rafters...then use them around her plants, flower beds come spring. I call this the new ''compost'' papaw would take old leaves and grass clippings around to back of barn, pile them fall. Come spring, he would dig there for the fattest, roundest of worms to go fishing.
I believe in the 'old' ways..and think everyone was much healthier back then. We had cleaner water, creeks were not contaminated, nor was our livestock filled so with pro-biotics, forced chemical grains...etc....Could go on and on about how things were so different but worked from the days as a child, along with stories I've been told. Wish for those days back. Always will, but gone forever. So sad.

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