Friday, March 23, 2012

Honestly, if you love great opportunities, seeing history being made, then you will want to see this video!!! I love sharing things, and this is one of the best I could share to each of you! Please let me know what you thought of it. I do want your feedback!!! Now, tonight is the huge Kentucky Wildcats basketball game taking on the Indiana will know where to find me!!! LET'S GO WILDCATS....I BLEED BLUE! :)~ VICKI

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let's Go!!! Let's Go.....Camping!

oh I am SOOOO READY!!!! My all time favorite thing to, sitting by the campfires, smores, it all!!! We love it because we are over 100 mi. from our family and friends, so having a camper there is great! It allows us the time to visit, but not be a bothersome to anyone. It also gets us away from the hustle & bustle of the city life we both don't care for. My favorite saying to all has always been the same thing, no matter what it is you're going to be doing, what season, where...MAKE THOSE MEMORIES!!! Below is a 'borrowed' list of things to do while camping with kids. Ihope you can enjoy this. I keep things like this now due to the grandson and to be able to do w/him when we get to do so together!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! So...with that said............
ACTIVITIES WHILE CAMPING (a.k.a. Make Some Memories!): click on these links for awesome project ideas - you will need to bring along a few basic items (which are listed on each craft) - for most of the crafts, you will need to take a walk in the woods and gather rocks, sticks, leaves and acorns. Paper Boats Camping Diorama Leaf Rubbings Sticks & Stones People Acorn Necklace Nature Prints Swirly Stones Super Easy Craft with Leaves Rock Bugs Hopscotch Camping Scavenger Hunt List All you need for this is just a list printed out for every "hunter" and a brown paper bag! Easy-peasy! 1. Pinecone 6. Acorn 2. Smooth river stone 7. Bird feather 3. A Maple Leaf 8. Rock that looks like an arrowhead 4. Sand 9. Winged seed (like maple, dandelion, etc..) 5. An Oak Leaf 10. A rock that looks like an animal Bonus #1: A bird nest Bonus #2: An antler Camping Photo Scavenger Hunt List Everyone takes their cell phones and this list into the woods and captures as many of these pics as possible! How fun and easy! 1. Hollow log 6. Tallest tree you can see 2. Climbing a tree 7. Wildlife (extra credit for the best pics!) 3. An Oak Tree 8. A Pine Tree & team members 4. A boot print 9. Animal tracks 5. Animal scat (ewwwww!) 10. Swinging on a vine Bonus #1: A bird in flight Bonus #2: A beaver dam **All group members must be in at least 1 picture!!** A camping scavenger hunt will be talked about for years to come. It’s a great way for campers of all ages to have fun in the woods. It can also be a very inexpensive party idea for your next group outing. Hope the lists above are useful. Have a happy & fun vacation with your family this summer! I hope this vacation planner has simplified your planning as well as encouraging you to "make some memories" with your family. God bless

It is SPRING in My Neighborhood!!!!

First day of SPRING!!!!!! And what a beautiful day it is in my neighborhood this morning. The birds singing and chirping, the robins hopping all around the yards looking for the worms along the freshly cut new grasses. There is such a splendid perfume in the air at this time of year. Not just the abundance of such colors, but all of it!!! It truly is the best season to me...allergies and all!! lol. I can't wait to get out, literally push my hands down in the dirt and feel it. I don't have the green thumb, but I sure give it a try. It's always nice seeing folks now out walking for excercise and leisure. They smile, are cheerful as they pass. Hearing the children play, their laughter, shouts saying, 'Hey, pass it to me!' as they play football. The new bikes coming out from getting at Christmas, but now really getting that chance to ride. I simply love it! What is the favorite part of the seasons to you? Can you describe them as to why they are so special to you? I sure would love to see your comments. Have a super wonderful spring....get out and make some new memories! Don't forget your camera's!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

52 Uses for Coconut Oil - Love it!

Really? 52 different ways to use coconut oil? How is that even possible?! Well, it is and I’m sure there are ways that people use it that aren’t even on my list! I use so much coconut oil in my house! I go through one and a half to two quarts a month. Not only do we use it for cooking and eating, but we use it for a variety of other things, many of which are on this list! What is your favorite way to use coconut oil?
52 Uses for Coconut Oil Eat a spoonful when you need an energy boost. Use it as the base for a homemade body scrub. Use to condition your wooden cutting boards. Use as a super conditioner on your hair (apply to dry hair, leave in as long as possible and then shampoo as normal). Use as a styling agent if you have really dry hair. Just rub a tiny bit on your palms and apply to your hair and style as normal. Keep a little container in your purse for lip moisturizer. Add a spoonful to your dog or cat’s food. CO is great for our furry friends! Replace nasty, unhealthy vegetable oils in your cooking and baking with CO. Make healthy Magic Shell ice cream topping. Use it for oil pulling (learn about oil pulling here). Use a tiny dab on your underarms for a natural deodorant. Use coconut oil instead of shaving cream. Add to your bath tub for a moisturizing soak (a drop of peppermint oil is wonderful!). Use as a makeup remover. Use it to help sooth chicken pox, shingles, or other rashes or skin irritations. Use it to treat athlete’s food, ringworm, or other fungal or yeast infections. Take a spoonful with your vitamins to help improve absorption. Spread a thin layer on cuts or burns to speed up healing. Take up to 5 spoonfuls per day for improved thyroid function. Add a spoonful to your smoothies for extra nutrition and flavor (here, here, and here). Use on the delicate tissue around your eyes to help prevent wrinkles and sagging. Use as the base for homemade toothpaste or lotion. Use in place of massage oil. Use on your baby’s diaper rash or cradle cap. Use to help reduce visibility of stretch marks or to prevent stretch marks. For nursing mothers, use coconut oil on your nipples to prevent cracking and irritation. For nursing mothers, consuming coconut oil will help increase your milk flow. Apply to bee stings or bug bites to soothe and heal the wound. Women can use in the nether regions to relieve yeast infections, dryness, and/or discomfort. Eat a spoonful with each meal to improve digestion. If you’re prone to nosebleeds, coat the inside of your nostrils with coconut oil regularly. Helps soothe and heal hemorrhoids. Take to helps reduce or eliminate migraines. Use as the base for homemade vapor rub. Mixed with peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary, or tea tree oil makes an excellent insect repellant. Mix with baking soda for a non-toxic “Goo Gone”. Use to help detox the body during a cleanse or fast. Use as a metal polish, but always test a small area first. Use as a leather moisturizer. Season your cast iron pans. Use to oil your pans and baking dishes instead of pan spray. Got gum stuck in your hair? Try using coconut oil to remove without cutting your hair. Use instead of WD-40. Use as a personal lubricant (not safe with latex). Take a spoonful to help with heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion. Use as a natural sunscreen. Mix with a tiny bit of fresh lemon juice and use as a furniture polish (always test a small area first!). Mix with butter and toss your popcorn in it. Use on cracked or rough heals to help smooth them out. Massage into your nails and cuticles to help strengthen them. Use as the base for homemade chocolate candy (like peanut butter cups). Take a couple spoonfuls every day to help overall immune function. What is your favorite way to use coconut oil? Do you use it for anything that’s not on this list? Leave me a comment below! For more information on coconut oil, I have found this book from the founders of Tropical Traditions to be very informative.

We gotta love TECHNOLOGY!!!

So excited to be able to sit down, place my order, have this filled, then shipped to my home. One less thing to worry about!!!One huge opportunity to anyone who wants to also earn money filling their cart up with their own groceries, if they chose to. SIMPLY A WIN WIN situation FOR US ALL!!! (Offering FREE S & H the first 6 wks.!!!!) Who's in? Become a customer today FREE OF CHARGE! Yeah....I'm a networker also....and I simply love it!!! Able to earn a great income, stay home with our grandbaby, and help our children out at the same time. The best part of being a stay at home worker is being able to the ''be there'' for my family. So many women can't say that today due to it being now a ''HAVE TO'' instead of ''WANT TO.'' That income is needed to survive. We don't want to leave home and be gone 8-10+ hours every exhausted on week-ends, short tempered, and constantly feeling like we are failing our children, but we do have these feelings. Nothing changes that except the ability to be able to stay home and still bring money in. I only wish I had chosen to do this many, many years ago!!! I hope my son understands why I had to go to work, send him to day care, and was always tired. People have such a bad interpretation of network marketing. I truly do not understand this. We all personally do it in one fashion or another practically daily. Have you ever told someone about a new movie you just saw? How about when you tried that new store that just opened up in the mall? We are always telling others about the new things we see. Best part of it for me....I GET PAID FOR TELLING YOU!!! Paid extremely well. You DO NOT! You are marketing these places FREE for THEM...and not getting anything for yourself. are saving that place a ton of money when you share it because word of mouth is the fastest marketing tool out there. Always has been. I love telling someone about a good book I just read, about the author who wrote it. How many times have you heard someone out in a crowd say, "Mary (or John) told us about this place. Said it was simply awesome to eat there!"...and you went & spent money there also!!! I know you see where this is going. The richest people in this world are network marketers!!!! Warren Beatty, Donald Trump, Bill Gates...yes...him too, as he had to not all market his invention, but market to get the money to do it!!! Oh we all know people who have made lots of money by their own ideas, working from home. More and more people are laid off daily, searching for work, pounding the pavement to the unemployment offices around the globe. This week, 175,000 people will find a new way to increase their financial security and personal freedom. They will join more than 57 million others who are earning a living, full- or part-time, through Network Marketing. It's not a scam, nor a pyramid scheme. Oh, I will be the first to admit there are some out there. You have to investigate the people starting the company your are going to network. And, even then you will sometimes find a ''bummer.''....yep...they're out there, too!! But the one I promote, that allows me to be able to stay home, and earn money is using something we are all using now. Groceries! We all gotta eat!....and with the fast pace of today, I personally am loving the idea of shopping for everything we use, eat, need from my phone, pc, and have it delivered straight to my door for a nominal fee. Takes less than 15 minutes to do so, and I can do it in my pajama's...on a horrible weather day, even a bad hair day!!!
PHENOMENAL!! But..didn't we ALL SAY THIS A FEW YEARS AGO...and still do....about technology? That new car compared to how our first one was way back when? lol..ok...I will shut up....time to go back to bed for a little nap is 5:00 AM....I have much insomnia and always have. I do hope to see people on the TRAIN with me. Become a customer!!! After a month of ordering online and realizing you will be getting what you are already getting when you go out, fight the traffic, the crowds, and long lines....I know you will be glad you did!!! TECHNOLOGY....We are LOVING IT!!! Have a great day!! Vicki

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tips for Getting More Gasoline in Your Cars.

With gas rising as we speak daily, any and all tips are great to have. I want to share this one with you all. I received this email some time ago... Tips on Pumping Gas
I don't know what you guys are paying for gasoline.... but here in California we paying up to $3.75 to $4.10 per gallon. My line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every gallon: Here at the Kinder Morgan Pipeline where I work in San Jose, CA we deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline. One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and gasoline, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons. Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the gasoline, when it gets warmer gasoline expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your gallon is not exactly a gallon. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the gasoline, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps. When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money. One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is half full. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Gasoline storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the gas and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every gallon is actually the exact amount. Another reminder, if there is a gasoline truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy gas, DO NOT fill up; most likely the gasoline is being stirred up as the gas is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

Friday, March 9, 2012

100 Ways to be Kind to You Child

With all the rush in our lives today, I see too many children being pushed more & more to the back burner. It isn't just a ''few'' any more, but the majority. Mother's having to go out into the work force to help supplement the home...bills higher but no raises come. Things so different than 50...even 30 years ago. Used to be a grandparent, aunt, neighbor would be the babysitter for when someone was sick, in hospital, had errands to run, or simply needed some time away. Now, from 6 wks. after birth...a infant is placed in daycare....with those not known to them, and to thrive on 8+ hours away from a mother or family member. Imagine having to be away from your child/ren for more than 8 hours a day, every day...and week-ends....well, for the working mother, it's catch up on laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, and all the other things that are to be done. The kids are there, but how much real attention is there being given? We don't mean to really neglect them, it is called life today. I don't accept it, and wish there were so many ways we could turn back the clock of time and live the more simpler life. Yes, women had it bad then. No microwaves, no dishwashers, no vacumn most of time as it was no carpet,all broom and mop buckets. No air conditioners, no electric/gas dryers, no automatic washers, no hair dryers, electric curlers, etc....Even to mash potatoes was done by hand. But, there seemed to be much more family times. I know I had to personally get up, go out in any weather and bottle feed calves, wait for the hay to be thrown down, being the girl, my job was to cut the twine, spread it out on ground, and put in stalls. Most of my chores were inside. Setting table, washing dishes, sweeping the floors. Daily. But...that is another time...another post. lol... When I say there is such a short family time, we all know how it is...but to keep our relationships open, to build our children the way we really would like for them to be is still important. And that is said even in regard to being too tired. Still our #1 job. I can't take the credit for the post below on the 100 Ways to be Kind to Your Child, but I do want to share it. Maybe it will help some of all out in remembering it is very important to take care of our future generations in showing them how kindness can mean so much. Daily Say: 1. I love you. 2. love you no matter what. 3. I love you even when you are angry at me. 4. I love you even when I am angry with you. 5. I love you when you are far way. My love for you can reach you wherever you are. 6. If I could pick any 4 year old (5 year old, 6 year old…) in the whole wide world, I’d pick you. 7. I love you to the moon and then around the stars and back again. 8. Thank you. 9. I enjoyed playing with you today. 10. My favorite part of the day was when I was with you and we were _______. Tell them: 11. The story of their birth or adoption. 12. About how you cuddled them when they were a baby. 13. The story of how you chose their name. 14. A story about yourself when you were their age. 15. A story about how their grandparents met. 16. What your favorite color is. 17. That sometimes you struggle too. 18. That when you’re holding hands and you give three squeezes, it’s a secret code that means, “I love you”. 19. What the plan is. 20. What you’re doing right now. Play: 21. Freeze Tag 22. Uno 23. Crazy 8s 24. Gin Rummy 25. Memory 26. Go Fish 27. I Spy- especially when you’re tired of driving and feel snappish 28. Catch Pretend: 29. To catch their kiss and put it on your cheek. 30. That their tickle tank is empty and you have to fill it. 31. That their high five is so powerful it nearly knocks you over. 32. That you are super ticklish. 33. That you are explorers in the amazing new world of your backyard. 34. That it’s party day! Decorate for no reason! Try: 35. To get enough sleep. 36. To drink enough water. 37. To eat decent food. 38. Wearing earrings, or whatever makes you feel pretty. 39. Calling a friend the next time you feel like you are about to lose it with the kids. 40. Giving a gentle touch to show approval, rather than saying something. 41. Dancing in the kitchen. 42. To get your kids to bop to the music with you in the car. 43. Showing your kids that you can do a somersault or handstand or a cartwheel. 44. Keeping that sigh to yourself. Just jump in and help clean up cheerfully. 45. Using a kind voice, even if you have to fake it. Read: 46. A book of silly poems. 47. A book and then act it out. (Like “I’m going on a Bear Hunt”) 48. Your favorite childhood book to them. 49. When the afternoon is starting to go astray. 50. Outside under a tree. 51. In the library kids corner. 52. The comic book they love that you’re not so hot on. 53. About age appropriate behavior so you can keep your expectations realistic. Listen: 54. To your child in the car. 55. To that Lego description, and think how important it is to your child. 56. For that question that indicates your child really needs your input. 57. One second longer than you think you have patience for. 58. For the feelings behind your child’s words. Ask: 59. Why do you think that happens? 60. What do you think would happen if______? 61. How shall we find out? 62. What are you thinking about? 63. What was your favorite part of the day? 64. What do you think this tastes like? Show: 65. Your child how to do something instead of banning them from it. 66. How to whistle with a blade of grass. 67. How to shuffle cards- make a bridge if you can! 68. How to cut food. 69. How to fold laundry. 70. How to look up information when you don’t know the answer. 71. Affection to your spouse. 72. That taking care of yourself is important. Take Time: 73. To watch construction sites. 74. To look at the birds. 75. To allow your child to help you dump ingredients in the bowl. 76. To walk places together. 77. To dig in the dirt together. 78. To do a task at your child’s pace. 79. To just sit with you child while they play. Trust: 80. That your child is capable. 81. That you are the right parent for your child. 82. That you are enough. 83. That you can do what is right for your family. Delight your child: 84. Clean your child’s room as a surprise. 85. Put chocolate chips in the pancakes. 86. Put a love note in their lunch. 87. Make their snack into a smile face shape. 88. Make sounds effects while you help them do something. 89. Sit on the floor with them to play. Let Go: 90. Of the guilt. 91. Of how you thought it was going to be. 92. Of your need to be right. Give: 93. A look with Kind Eyes to your child. 94. A smile when your child walks into the room. 95. A kind touch back when your child touches you. 96. The chance to connect before you correct so that your child can actually hear your words. 97. Your child a chance to work out their frustrations before helping them. 98. A bath when the day feels long. 99. A hug. 100. You get to choose the next one! What is your favorite way to be kind to your child?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Camping Season is Soon...Please read & heed

They make a plug in GFI (ground fault interrupter) simular to what folks have in their bathrooms. They will trip out fast if water shorts them out before you can get shocked. An outdoor powerstrip does not unless it has GFI. If you plug the GFI into the power and then your exstension cord into the GFI, you are protected. Unless the power strip has GFI or you have it pluged into a GFI you are risk of electric shock if water gets into your tent & into the power strip. I am not sure you can get a power strip with GFI. You can get exstension cords with GFI. They will have a test & reset buttons on the plug end. Outdoor rated powerstips are more weather resistant and better built than indoor but do not provide the protection as a GFI. Some RV hookups have GFI plugs and there are some older hook ups that do not. While we are on safety, exstension cords are rated for load/amps. There are also diferrent gauge cords. Standard 110 wall plugs are rated for 15 amps. As the cord gets longer you have amps lose. So 100 ft 16 gauge cord will be rated at 12 amps. If use more than 12 amps on that cord, it could overheat and cause a fire. As you go down in wire size, the more current the cord is rated for 14, 12 or 10 gauge cords are rated higher than a 16 gauge. So lower the gauge, more amps may pass. As the gauge size gets smaller, the price goes up. For most folks 13 amps in a tent should be plenty unless you plug in a electric heater or an AC unit. There are safety issues to consider with certain electric heaters. Yes I have seen a window AC unit duct taped into the side of a tent. There are plug in power meter that will tell you the amps of the device you are using. Happy & safe camping, Vicki/b>

What if YOU COULD?????